We provide end-to-end delivery for online stores in the USA. Delivery all across the US and international shipping. Customs clearance and last mile delivery included.
Start shipping from the USA
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About us
Globox has extensive experience in international logistics. We help American online stores to deliver goods directly to their customers.
We provide your online store with end-to-end logistics services
Delivery across the USA, or first mile for cross-border shipments
Line-haul: air cargo freight
Customs clerance in the destination country
Last mile via partners’ network
Deliver all across the USA and from the USA to any place in the world
From the USA to Europe and Russia
Across the USA
7-9 days
2 flights a week
B2C delivery
7-9 days
Truck and air cargo
B2C delivery
Why online stores trust us
End-to-end logistics services: first mile to your store’s end customers.
Clear tracking and quick status updates for your customers.
Individual pricing. Long-term and short-term partnership.
Extensive last mile network in Europe and Russia.
Start working with us
919 North Market Street, Suite 950 Wilmington DE 19801